viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Soluciones de las tareas.

Buenas tardes a tod@s. Aquí os dejo las soluciones de las actividades de esta semana para que el alumnado pueda corregir los errores. 
Todas las tareas enviadas a mi correo han sido evaluadas y registradas para esta evaluación. 

Soluciones 3º de Primaria

1. Listening

1. Picture B
2. Picture C
3. Picture C

2. Reading

1. Parrot
2. Kangaroo
3. Monkey
4. Koala
5. Elephant
6. Lion

3. Writing. Respuesta libre.

Ejemplo: My favourite animal is a/the tiger. It´s orange and brown. It´s got fur and a long tail. It can run, but it can´t fly. 

Soluciones 4º Primaria

1. Listening

1. Dress: second floor
2. Camera: First floor
3. Sofas: Fourth floor
4. Coloured pencils: Third floor
5. Pasta: Ground floor
6. Café: Fifth floor

2. Reading

1. Supermarket
2. Greengrocer´s
3. Kilo
4. T-shirt
5. Clothes shop
6. Cents

3. Writing. Respuesta libre.

At the baker´s 

- Shop assistant: Hello! Can I help you?
- Customer: Yes, please. Can I have some bread, please?
- Shop assistant: Yes, of course. Anything else?
- Customer: No, thanks. That´s all. How much is it?
- Shop assistant: It´s eighty cents, please. 
- Customer: Here you are.
- Shop assistant: Thank you. Have a great day!
- Customer: Bye. 

Soluciones 5º de Primaria

1. Listening

1. Terryfing
2. Asia
3. India
4. Carnivores
5. Eggs
6. Dangerous
7. Elephant
8. Swim
9. Babies
10. Twenty

2. Reading

1. Cheetahs
2. Camels
3. Hippos
4. Chimps
5. Scorpions
6. Rhinos

3. Writing. Respuesta libre.

My favourite animal is a/the hippo. It´s a mammal. It´s a herbivore. It´s got four strong short legs. They are sometimes agressive. They are more dangerous than rhinos. 

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